jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

the human brain

The thalamus behinds the process of interpreting sesory information. It determines fundamental properties, such as whether something is good or bad, and the forwards the information to the appropriate area of the cerebral cortex, where information, processing continues.
The pons triggers dreaming and waking froom sleep.
The cerebellum coordinates body movements, control posture, and maintains equilibrium.
     :::::::Reticular formation::::::::
The reticular formation signals the cerebral cortex to attend to new stimulation and to remain alert even during sleep.
 The Medulla is the center for breathing, waking, sleeping and beating of the heart.
The hypocampus plays and important, role in emotion learning, and memory.
The amygdala  plays a role in aggression, eating, drinking, and sexual behaviors.

The hypotalamus monitors blood levels of glucose, salt, blood, pressure and hormones. It also helps to regulate processes in the bdy throught is connection to central and autonomic nervous system and endocrine system.
::::Frotal lobe::::::
The frontal lobe assists in control motor and cognitive activities, such, as planning, making decisions, settinsg goals and relating the present to the future throught purposeful behavior.


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